There is a
Latin proverb which says: «Ad impossibilia nemo tenetur» -- “No one is obliged
to do impossible things.” It looks like the Kiev authorities are not familiar with this
ancient wisdom. Or, conversely, too familiar. Turning the very meaning of the
Minsk-2 Agreement on its head, the Kyiv
side is trying to oblige the rebels of
Donbass to do impossible things, putting the choice: either complete surrender on Kyiv's terms, or
continuation of the fratricidal war.
This is the tug of war over implementation of the Minsk-2 agreements. Yesterday the leadership of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) demanded that
their representatives finally be included in the discussion of constitutional
reform. “All matters relating to elections and constitutional reform, according
to the terms of the agreement, should be agreed with us. As prescribed by the
terms of the agreement, representatives of the DPR and LPR will necessarily
participate in the decision-making in the tripartite contact group," DRP
envoy Dennis Pushilin told Interfax.
Kiev's position
on negotiations has led to the virtual collapse of the agreement. And it's not
even about the 800 ceasefire violations by the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF)
recorded in the Donbass region. After another necessary respite following their
military defeat, Kyiv is seeking to prevent the move to political dialogue by
imposing unacceptable and inappropriate conditions, which contradict Minsk
One such condition, of course, is holding local elections in the "special
territories" under the existing laws of Ukraine. This formulation, in
particular, means that the composition of election commissions will be formed
in Kyiv, in large part by representatives of the parliamentary parties in the
Verkhovna Rada [Parliament]. Can you imagine what supporters of Lyashko and Yatsenyuk
will count in the "special territories"?
But this is a trifle. Because it's not just about how to better push the
People's Republics into the legal sphere of Ukraine. Perhaps this is what Kyiv
strategists saw as the outcome of the Minsk Agreement, but it's not what was
agreed to.
In order to end the civil war – "hot" in Donetsk
and Lugansk, "cold" in Odessa and Kharkov -- we need a
national dialogue. Everyone understands that the leadership of the DPR and LPR
is now in negotiations with Kiev not only on behalf of the residents of parts
of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions called "special territories", but
also to some extent for the good half of the Ukrainian population, which
disagrees with what has happened in the country since the coup d' etat in
February 2014.
And the Kyiv authorities disrupt the agreements precisely because it is afraid
of this half of the population that has not accepted the Maidan and its
results. After all, if you give "voice" to representatives of the
victorious uprisings in the Donbass, then their "voice" would require
the participation of those involved in the suppressed uprisings in Odessa and Kharkov.
And something tells me that the "silent majority,” suffering from rising
prices and tariffs, would not be on the side of the Kyiv authorities in this
There is another important factor in the failure of the agreement. This is the
position of the United
States. As we have seen in the conflict
between Kolomoisky and Poroshenko, the United States decides internal
conflicts of the Ukrainian authorities. The USSR rightly called such relations
"puppet regimes." And the U.S. administration is hardly interested in
resolving the civil war at the moment, especially given the strong pressure on
Obama from Republican (and not only Republican) "hawks" on the issue
of Ukraine.
In general, you always want to be an optimist when it comes to war and peace,
but it seems that war is inherent in the social nature of this Ukrainian
regime, and lasting peace will be established only when a new leadership takes
power in Kyiv.
Victor Shapinov
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