Stop the war in Ukraine. What can be doneStop the war in Ukraine. What can be done
Stop the war in Ukraine. What can be done

Stop the war in Ukraine. What can be done

Ілля Дерев`янко
These requirements are broad enough to be supported by everybody who wants peace


These hard days people in Europe doing a lot for Ukrainian refugees. Also, governments are helping with organizational measures. I will not go into details here. I'll be short - they save thousands of lives.

But western governments have two hands. With one they saving thousands, with another - ruin millions. Politically they still pushing both sides to make the horrible war even more extensive.

For Ukraine, they provide weapons that allow the Ukrainian government to postpone negotiations and encourage Ukrainian falcons of war to fight until the end.

For Russia, they put it into a deep political isolation leaving no means for peaceful dialogue.

Many people in Europe are asking these days what can they do. In a humanitarian way, a lot is done already. If you want to act politically, ask your governments:

  • Stop sending weapons to Ukraine. Stop funding the war.
  • Convince the Ukrainian president to forget his ambitions and go with the negotiations.
  • Stop diplomatic isolation of Russia and set up an international working group to work in close contact with the Russian government to find a peaceful solution.

The situation is very difficult and there are different opinions about it. This limits (and this is ok for now) many people in expressing their political ideas. I hope these requirements are broad enough (however still political) to be supported by everybody who wants peace regardless of personal views.


An important remark about negotiations. From the very beginning, it was clearly stated by Russia, that negotiations themselves will not stop the military operation. It can be stopped only with the practical result of such negotiations. This must be considered - not ignored.

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